Primrose Hill Bowling Reports

Here are all the news letters and charts etc which I have written since I started bowling with Primrose Hill in 2008.
Its been a good time, they are a great bunch of people to be able to put up with me and my sarcasm
So here they all are, first the computer code I use for file names on my computer, name of the report, date it was written (usually a weekday after the Saturday played).
The first link will send you to my windows live file store with correct report ready to download, all you have to do is click "download" at the top of the page then "open" which will bring up the pdf file for you to view on your computer, exactly like the newsletter that was given out the following Saturday.
There is also an alternate link which can be easier sometimes.
These files are quite a number of megabytes so please be patient when opening them

The Eye Of The Tiger

Not having written anything for so long and then writing "Our Broken Team" seems to have given my mind some tranquility from what sometimes feels like a measlstrom of spirit voices echoing in my head.
So I decided to do a sequel entitled "The Eye Of The Tiger" which is what seems to have been the results of the efforts of those entities which lie unseen but pulling the strings with subtlety to the puppets in this world that is you and I

Since my last report as a member of the Primrose hill bowling team our fortunes have undergone a rapid turn around, despite, last week at Grange Moor being again 2 players short we won 11/5 and this week again with just 11 players, one players short we equalled our victory again 11/5.
It seems since my gloomy report titled “Our Broken Team” we have somehow bounced back from the abyss, after all its not how far you fall but how hard you bounce back that counts.This week at Canalside Front, a former ICI Recreation Club for the workers of the nearby Chemical Works we drew in crowds for our 11 Player match against Linthwaite Cricket and Bowling Club who immediately started with a +21 one win handicap because Luke [Schofield] had decided to go on holiday with his mum to Blackpool and leave the team short.
We would have been 2 players short was it not for the quick thinking action of our Captain Dave (pictured above ordering his team around the green with skills of leadership that the government would be proud of) who phoned Ashley up who can also be clearly seen in the picture above building a spliff in anticipation of his match against R Kewley.
Ashley went on to get beaten by Mr Kewley but claimed 14 points with many surprise good woods probably helped by the contents of the cigarette and the mystique of them dark glasses which made him and captain Dave look like brothers.
Jimmy can be seen between Capt. Dave and Ashley in the photo watching Billy Meadows thrashing E Grange and worrying about the loss of his sweep money.
Jimmy had just thrashed M Beaumont 21/4 and was hoping to see around £7 for claiming highest winner on the sweep.
In the end he had to accept just £5.50 because he shared the biggest win with Billy Meadows because both of them won 21-4!
As you can see on the photo, since I posted our predicament as a Broken Bowling team on my autobiographical, philosophical and hugely successful blog called “The Continuing Adventures of a Jedi Master” the crowds have flocked to our matches.
Having struggled through such hard times in recent weeks our team members were like warriors, each with an eye of a tiger and determined for victory.
I too managed to let the team spirit throw the match in my favour; indeed no matter what I did I could not do wrong in my match against Pete Waterhouse.
The damp grass needed a good shove to propel the bowls to the other side of the largish green and I think my partner was more in his element when the green was really running since on the few occasions he had the block he bowled short marks.
I of course at every opportunity tried corner to corner and most of my bowls were in tune with a remote control in my brain and found their place of rest within feet of the block much to the appreciation of my team members who have been silently coaching me for weeks, particularly Jimmy and Joe.
Peter who was marking for Joe and his “not too good on his pins” opponent Mr Shelton complained that the match was taking an eternity as the gentleman playing Joe hobbled between the ends – all 41 of them and ending of course 20/21 but sadly Joe was the one with all but.
“Our Captain David Haigh took on one of the opposing teams best players for once” remarked Billy Shaw, Indeed Dave’s opponent Mr Ford who brought with him his two dogs named “Benson & Hedges” was relentless to the end but Dave emerged victorious 21/14 but this placed him only 6th position in the league of this weeks winners.
Billy Shaw who found the situation with Dave struggling funny ended up playing against their brilliant Captain and had his arse whipped with a 10/21 loss with only Tommy’s 9/21 finishing below him.
All this weeks’ activity gives rise to a lot of movement in our “Hall Of Fame” table pictured here (left).
Jimmy Sails majestically into No2 behind Dave who is firmly entrenched at No1 but sadly it is rumoured that he is thinking about defecting from our team to join Lowerhouses next season but maybe with our new burst of enthusiasm we might convince him to stay.
I have already been assured by Tommy and The Green keeper back at our home green, Peter that they will make sure our team is still bowling next season in 2012 and our team members will not become forgotten by society and join the nation’s rioters and pillages.
Tommy says he is putting his feelers out for new members and Billy Shaw says he would feel lost without his Saturday afternoon spent bowling, indeed my appeal in my last issue has made Billy Meadows rethink briefly his decision to take a Gap Year before deciding once again to have one again.We was all assuming however we would next year fall into the ten men Binns Cup but with now, two new surprise wins under our belt this no longer is a certainty, you can see below in the table of past, present and future matches we have won four (highlighted in yellow) so far of our fourteen matches played so far.

Last week on the wall of the hut of the green at Grange Moor hung a simple poem…

I may not always win my game or shine upon the green,
But bowling is made for friendship and that’s how it’s always been I’m happy if I win my match still happy if I lose
If only I am playing amongst the friends I chose
Give me a summers evening when work is left behind
When the sun is in the poplars and the breeze is soft and kind
I wouldn’t swop my pleasure with princes or with kings
Nor could there be knowing – The friendships’ bowling brings

I drove away from the green and the crowds of admiring fans after my first win of the season and felt the warmth of the memories of my fellow team members cheering me on, on the way back to Bradley I called at The Starfish and purchased one of their juicy mixed Donah kebabs.
Abandoned by my protégé Luke who is away at Blackpool and Ben who is with Yoda on Degabah I returned to my house and ate my Kebab alone.

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